similar to indian ghee

Ethiopian Butter

Niter Kibbeh in Ethiopia and Tegelese Tesmi in Eritrea


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Made similar to ghee, Ethiopian Clarified Butter is infused with delicious spices like cinnamon, onion, ginger and fenugreek.

what is niter Kibbeh?

Niter Kibbeh is made in the same way as ghee eliminating all of the milk solids.  The only difference is that is has added flavor with spices.

is it still lactose free?


Let's start with ingredients and step by step instructions!

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Melt butter.

Add spices and simmer.

The milk solids will seperate.

Strain several times through cheesecloth until it runs clear.

Liquid gold!

Use for all your East African cooking like Gomen Wat!

level up your ghee to add flavor to all your foods!